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    © Universität Bielefeld

Ana Ferrari

Takis Biotech SRL, Italy - ESR 09
E-Mail: ferrari@takisbiotech.it

Personal Information

Name Ana Ferrari
Date of Birth 04.10.1990
Nationality Argentinian

Scientific Education

since 04/2021

Early Stage Researcher in the ETN Magicbullet::Reloaded at Bielefeld University, Germany.

PhD topic: “Development of scFv-drug conjugates containing HDAC inhibitors or tubulin-binding agents to enhance anti-tumor immune responses” - Director: Dr. Giuseppe Roscilli, Takis srl, Rome, Italy.

03/2009 – 11/2017

B.Sc. in Biotechnology at the School of Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina.

Bachelor’s thesis title: "Development of an analytical platform for the study of the glycosylation profile of therapeutic proteins produced in CHO.K1 cells and their application to the selection of a culture medium for the production of etanercept”, Laboratory of Cell Culture, Santa Fe, Argentina. The first year of this three-year-long project was part of a Research Initiation Scholarship (Introduction to Research - FBCB - UNL – ZELLTEK).

11/2018 – 10/2020

Process Improvement Analyst, mAbxience, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I developed my knowledge on monoclonal antibody bioprocesses, specifically working in both the upstream and downstream area.

11/2017 – 10/2018

Cell Culture Analyst, Hearten Biotech, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I produced different regenerative medicine tools and therefore I gained experience in primary cell culture of fibroblasts and stem cells, and preparation of blood products such as platelet rich plasma.

07/2016 – 08/2016

Internship at Altera d.o.o., Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I earned a merit-based IAESTE internship (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) where I completed a basic training in clean room design for pharmaceutical industries.

02/2015 – 06/2015

Student Exchange Program at University of Valladolid, Spain.

For this program, I obtained a merit-based Iberoamerica Scholarship (Undergraduate Students - Santander Universities). Additionally, during this period I volunteered at the Department of Innate Immunity and Inflammation in the Institute of Biology and Molecular Genetics, where I learned basic molecular biology techniques applied to the study of gene transcription and biochemical signaling in immune system cells.


  1. Poster presentation “Evaluation of three methods for the analysis of sialic acids in glycoproteins” at the II Argentine Symposium on Glycobiology (GlycoAR) in Villa Gral. Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina. June 1 to 3, 2016.

  2. Poster presentation “Development of complementary analytical techniques for the study of glycosylation of recombinant proteins” at the III Argentine Symposium on Biotechnological Processes (SAPROBIO) in Santa Fe, Argentina. December 9 to 10, 2014.

  3. Poster presentation “Analysis of the glycosylation profile of recombinant proteins using HPAEC-PAD” at the VI Latin American Symposium on Cell Culture (SLATCC) in  Valparaíso, Chile (Faculty of Engineering, PUCV). November 6 to 8, 2014.

  4. Poster presentation “Development of analytical methods for the study of the glycosylation pattern of recombinant proteins” at the XVIII Meeting of Young Researchers in Santa Fe, Argentina. September 3 to 4, 2014.


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